Thou art not thyself, For thou exists on many a thousand grains
That issue out of dust. Happy thou art not;
For, what thou hast, forget'st. Thou are not certain,
For thy complexion shifts to strange effects, After the moon.
If thou art rich, thou'rt poor; For, like an ass whose back with ingots bows,
Thou bear'st thy heavy riches but a journey, And death unloads thee.
- Vincentio (The Duke)
In January, I write a post about Liev participating in a New Yorker Festival panel on Young Shakespeareans, in which Liev says that he would like to work on a production of Measure for Measure. HERE.
Later on, choosing to be optimistic about said project, I elaborate on a little M4M for the Layperson, HERE.
On Sunday, Liev is quoted in an article as saying that he might do Shakespeare in the Park this summer. HERE.
Last night The Public Theatre website is updated with some details on two Shakespeare productions for their Summer Season at the Delactorte. One of them is Measure for Measure. HERE.
Our Survey Says?
In the hopes that Liev will fulfill his M4M wish and be on that stage this summer, I dug up this audio interview with Himself and the American Theatre Wing. Liev shares his feelings about what a unique experience it is for an actor to perform at the Delacorte.
Or, here are my Top Ten favourite bits:
- "It is as far as I'm concerned the greatest theatre space in the world."
- "I really love it."
- "You have the huge advantage of... it's just the most exquisite place to sit on a summer night."
- "People are very happy to be there."
- "It's an incredible tradition; it's an incredible gift from New York to itself."
- "That good will that comes with the space goes a long way."
- "It's a tough space, the physicality of it. I start working out about five weeks before just to get in shape."
- "What I love about the Delacorte Audience is they're a little bit rowdy."
- "Rain was coming down and we were all tired but the audience kept stomping their feet, wanting us to go on."
- "Film is a completely different animal than Theatre... gives you that chance to build a relationship with an audience like this."
I know omg~! The way the universe works...and the link doesn't work! =c
ReplyDeleteBut yes, if Liev is involved with the Delacorte's "Measure For Measure" a happiness rainbow will explode right out of me lol OMG YOU WOULD HAVE TO COME DOWN IT WILL BE EPIC AND THE FIRST SHAKESPEARE PLAY LIEV'S DONE IN A WHILE~!
Travel agent on stand by. No worries there. ♥
ReplyDeleteIt's not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not coming until September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna see him do Shakespeare!!!!!!!
*Huge lump in my throat*
ReplyDeleteWe don't know if it's true yet. This is 100% me guessing. I have no proof of anything.
Maybe you could change your dates?
Well I read in the article that mentions him and Sasha going to the fashion show that Liev was considering doing Shakespeare in the Park this summer! So yeah, we can only keep our fingers crossed!
ReplyDeleteAnd Dammit, Liz! COME IN THE SUMMER! I hate to say it but, September is a pretty crazy time to come to to the city. Absolutely nothing is going on! =c
Isn't the Delacorte the same thing as Shakespeare in the Park?
ReplyDeleteNot really, from what I understand. The Delacorte is the theater that puts on Shakespeare in the Park; but hey, I might be wrong.
ReplyDeleteI mean like if the website for the Delacorte is showing M4M in their Shakespeare in the Park series, is that not the Shakespeare in the Park that I was talking about? That Liev would be referring to, I mean?
ReplyDeleteGeek ratio like 10/10 for un-local me.
Yeah it is. there's only one Shakespeare in the Park, but the Delacorte IS the theater in Central Park. It confuses me sometimes cuz they say "the Public Theater" sometimes, but from what I understand the Delacorte is the venue
ReplyDeleteOkay, I think I get it. I think the entire enterprise is called the Public Theatre. There's an indoor theatre, Joe's Pub, some other stuff and the Delacorte all under one umbrella.
ReplyDeleteWell either way, the tickets are FREE!! The only catch is that you gotta wait in line sometimes for hours on end to get tickets, and they sell out ridiculously quick!
ReplyDeleteI can't!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWon't have the money in the summer, and no time off!!!!!!!